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Email:liwei@bch.com.cn  实验室网址:www.genelab-bch.com.cn


1982,9-1985,7: 江西赣南医专医疗专业,学生

1985,8-1988,8: 江西赣南医学院生化教研室,教师

1988,9-1991,6: 同济医科大学生物化学专业,获硕士学位

1991,7-1993,8: 广州市第一人民医院检验科,医师

1994,9-1997,7: 中山医科大学医学遗传学专业,获博士学位


1999,1-2004,11:美国纽约Roswell Park 肿瘤研究所博士后

2003,1-2004,9: 美国纽约州立大学Buffalo分校生物信息学专业,获硕士学位

2004,11-2015, 4   中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员(二级)、博士生导师、发育生物学研究中心主任

2015,5-现在      首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院院长助理、教授、博导





现担任北京细胞生物学会理事长、中国细胞生物学会理事兼细胞神经生物学分会委员和细胞信号转导分会委员、中国生物物理学会理事兼膜生物学分会副理事长、中国医促会出生缺陷精准医学分会副主委兼秘书长、北京医学会遗传学分会常委、中国医师学会医学遗传医师分会临床分子与细胞遗传学组委员、中国遗传学会科普委员会副主任、中国生理学会转化神经生物学分会委员。Bioscience Reports副主编, Journal of Genetics and Genomics等杂志编委,《中国大百科全书》遗传学分支编委。


主要研究因囊泡运输障碍导致的遗传代谢疾病、心血管疾病及神经精神疾病等的病理机制。作为课题负责人分别承担科技部973项目、863项目、国家基金委重点项目、国家重点研发计划等。在Nature Genetics, American Journal of Human Genetics, Journal of Cell Biology, eLife, Autophagy, PNAS, Blood, PLoS Genetics等国际刊物发表SCI论文59篇,总影响因子约390,被引用2000多次。主编《生物信息学导论》、《遗传咨询》或副主编《医学遗传学(第3版)》、《产前遗传病诊断》等专著。主编《漫画遗传》科普专著,主持中国遗传咨询网(www.gcnet.org.cn)的科普和公益性在线遗传咨询。

四、实验室代表性论文(# 第一作者;* 通讯作者):

1.Zhou W#, He Q#, Zhang C, He X, Liu F*, Li W*. BLOS2 negatively regulates Notch signaling during neural and hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell development. Elife, 2016; 5: e18108.

2.Wei AH#,*, Yuan YF#, Bai DY#, Ma J, Hao ZH, Zhang YZ, Yu JY, Zhou ZY, Yang L, Yang XM, Li L, Li W*. NGS-based 100-gene panel of hypopigmentation identifies mutations in Chinese Hermasky-Pudlak syndrome patients. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, 2016; doi: 10.1111/pcmr.12534. 

3.Wei Z, Yuan Y, Jaouen F, Ma M, Hao C, Zhang Z, Chen Q, Yuan Z, Yu L, Beurrier C, Li W*. SLC35D3 increases autophagic activity in midbrain dopaminergic neurons by enhancing BECN1-ATG14-PIK3C3 complex formation. Autophagy, 2016; 12(7): 1168-1179.

4.Zhen YL, Li W*. Impairment of autophagosome-lysosome fusion in the buff mutant mice with the VPS33A (D251E) mutation. Autophagy, 2015; 11(9): 1608-1622.

5.Hao Z, Wei L, Feng Y, Chen X, Du W, Ma J, Zhou Z, Chen L, Li W*. Impaired maturation of large dense core vesicles in muted-deficient adrenal chromaffin cells. J Cell Sci, 2015; 128(7): 1365-1374.

6.Wang H, Yuan YF, Zhang Z, Yan H, Feng YQ, Li W*. Dysbindin-1C is required for the survival of hilar mossy cells and the maturation of adult newborn neurons in dentate gyrus. J Biol Chem, 2014; 289(42): 29060-29072. 

7.Zhang AL#, He X#, Zhang L, Yang L, Woodman P, Li W*. Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex-1 subunit 1 (BLOS1) interacts with sorting nexin 2 and the endosomal sorting complex required for transport-I (ESCRT-I) component TSG101 to mediate the sorting of epidermal growth factor receptor into endosomal compartments. J Biol Chem, 2014; 289(42): 29180-29194.

8.Zhang Z#, Hao CJ#, Li CG, Zang DJ, Zhao J, Li XN, Wei AH, Wei ZB, Yang L, He X, Zhen XC,  Gao X, Speakman JR, Li W*. Mutation of SLC35D3 causes metabolic syndrome by impairing dopamine signaling in striatal D1 neurons. PLoS Genet, 2014; 10(2): e1004124. 

9.Wei AH*, #, Zang DJ#, Zhang Z#, Liu XZ#, He X, Yang L, Wang Y, Zhou ZY, Zhang MR, Dai LL Yang XM, Li W*. Exome sequencing identifies SLC24A5 as the candidate gene for non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism. J Invest Dermatol, 2013; 133(7): 1834-1840. 

10.Wei AH*, Li W*. Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome: pigmentary and non-pigmentary defects and their pathogenesis. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, 2013; 26(2): 176-192.

11.Yang Q, He X*, Yang L, Zhou ZY, Cullinane AR, Wei AH, Zhang Z, Hao ZH, Zhang AL, He M, Feng YQ, Gao X, Gahl WA, Huizing M, Li W*. The BLOS1 interacting protein KXD1 is involved in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles. Traffic, 2012; 13(8): 1160-1169.

12.Wang L#, He F#, Bu J#, Zhen Y#, Liu X, Du W, Dong J, Cooney JD, Dubey SK, Shi Y, Gong B, Li J, McBride PF, Jia Y, Lu F, Soltis KA, Lin Y, Namburi P, Liang C, Sundaresan P, Paw BH, Li W, Li DY, Phillips JD, Yang Z. ABCB6 mutations cause ocular coloboma. Am J Hum Genet, 2012; 90(1): 40-48. 

13.Cui YY, Li XG, Chen QG, He X, Yang Q, Zhang AL, Yu X, Chen H, Liu NY, Xie Q, Yang WC, Zuo JR, Palme K*, Li W*. BLOS1, a putative BLOC-1 subunit, interacts with SNX1 and modulates root growth in Arabidopsis. J Cell Sci, 2010; 123(21): 3727-3733.

14.Guo XL, Ruan HB, Li Y, Gao X, Li W*. Identification of a novel nonsense mutation on the Pax3 gene in ENU-derived white belly spotting mice and its genetic interaction with c-Kit. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, 2010; 23(2): 252-262.

15.Wei A#, Wang Y#, Long Y#, Wang Y#, Guo XL, Zhou ZY, Zhu W, Liu JT, Bian XM, Lian S*, Li W*. A comprehensive analysis reveals mutational spectra and common alleles in Chinese patients with oculocutaneous albinism. J Invest Dermatol, 2010; 130(3): 716-724.

16.Chen RS, Song YM, Zhou ZY, Tong T, Li Y, Fu M, Guo XL, Dong LJ, He X, Qiao HX, Zhan QM*, Li W*. Disruption of xCT inhibits cancer cell metastasis via the caveolin-1/beta-catenin pathway. Oncogene, 2009; 28(4): 599-609. 

17.Chen XW#, Feng YQ#, Hao CJ, Guo XL, He X, Zhou ZY, Guo N, Huang HP, Xiong W, Zheng H, Zuo PL, Zhang X, Li W*, Zhou Z*. DTNBP1, a schizophrenia-susceptible gene affects kinetics of transmitter release. J Cell Biol, 2008; 18(5): 791-801.

18.Li W*, He M, Zhou HL, Bourne JW, Liang P. Mutational data integration in gene-oriented files of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome database. Hum Mutat, 2006; 27(5): 402-407.(博士后期间代表性论文)

19.Li W#, Zhang Q#, Oiso N#, Novak EK, Gautum R, O'Brien EP, Tinsley CL, Blake DJ, Spritz RA, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Amato D, Boe BA, Starcevic M, Dell'Angelica EC, Elliott RW, Mishra VS, Kingsmore SF, Swank RT. Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 7 (HPS-7) results from mutant dysbindin, a member of the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 (BLOC-1). Nat Genet, 2003, 35 (1): 84-89.

20.Zhang Q#, Zhao B#, Li W#, Oiso N#, Novak EK, Rusiniak ME, Gautam R, Chintala S, O'Brien EP, Zhang Y, Roe BA, Elliott RW, Eicher EM, Liang P, Kratz C, Legius E, Spritz RA, O'Sullivan TN, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Swank RT. Ru2 and Ru encode mouse orthologs of the genes mutated in human Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome types 5 and 6. Nat Genet, 2003; 33(2): 145-153.  (专著)

21.李巍,亚丁(主编). 漫画遗传. 北京: 人民卫生出版社. 2016.

22.杜传书 (主编), 李巍, 黄尚志, 华小云 (副主编). 医学遗传学(第3版). 北京: 人民卫生出版社. 2014.

23.李巍(主编). 生物信息学导论. 郑州: 郑州大学出版社. 2004.

24.李巍, 何蕴韶 (主编) . 遗传咨询. 郑州: 郑州大学出版社. 2003. 

25.陆国辉 (主编), 李巍, 黄艳仪, 庞伟 (副主编). 产前遗传病诊断. 广州: 广东科技出版社. 2002. 


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